December 2022 Post Report

American Legion, Post 208, Millis, Massachusetts Minutes of Regular Post Meeting, Thursday 08 December 2022 On 08 December 2022, at 10:00 AM, the Regular monthly meeting of the Membership of Post 208, American Legion in Millis,, MA was called to order by the Post Commander Robert Yeager. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance as led by Commander Yeager. A prayer was offered by the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter on behalf of the Post Chaplain Alan Burch who was absent. The preamble to the Constitution was recited by all the present membership which was led by Commander Yeager who then led in a salute to the Missing and POWs. Commander Yeager checked with the assembled membership for information on any deceased or ill Members of Post 208. There were no additional passing of any post members. The Post 208, Adjutant Robert Bryant was absent and the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter is recording the minutes. Post Finance Officer Robert Yeager made the finance report to the Membership. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the Finance Report as read, subject to audit.The motion was passed by unanimous Vote of the Post 208 Membership present.The Post 208 Scout Representative Todd Nolan was absent. There also wasn't any activity to report from the Post Service officer Lawrence McCarter. Other committees also had no reports. On behalf the membership Officer Robert Bryant , Commander Yeager reports that 73 Members have paid their dues for 2023 renewal. It was also suggested renewal be sent directly to the Post which will result in a much quicker response and issue of new ID cards as opposed to sending them to National. The events of the Veteran’s day ceremony on 11 November 2022 all proceeded very well as did the Veteran’s breakfast for the event.The Post adjutant Robert Bryant also took pictures of the day’s events which were posted on line for all to see. The Millis High School band participated in the ceremony as did the Boys Scouts, Girls Scouts and The Millis Police and Fire Departments. With No further discussion needed on any other Old business Commander Yeager asked for any new business to come before the Membership of Post 208, Millis, MA On the subject of a Post 208 Christmas Party that event will be held on Saturday, 17 December 2022 in the lower level of the Legion Post building. The food will be from Olivia’s in Milford, MA and Legion Member Mary Anne Sheridan will be coordinating that event. The Christmas celebration will commence at 2:00 PM and dinner will be served at 3:00 PM. It was also decided by the Membership present that there would be no need for each member to bring gifts to be given at this year’s celebration.
Commander Robert Yeager asked the Membership if there was any further business to be raised at the post meeting. There were no further issues to be raised . A closing prayer was done for the meeting by the Post 208 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter . The Post Commander Robert Yeager then declared the meeting of Post 208, American Legion to be adjourned at 10:25 AM .
Respectfully Submitted On behalf of the Post Adjutant Robert Bryant Lawrence J. McCarter, 1st Vice Commander American Legion, Post 208 Millis, MA